Name: Iron Brigade Sargeant
Sculptor:Alan Ball

This review was written by Mr John Brewer


I&E Miniatures are no longer the new kids on the block and they have now established themselves as one of the premier UK figure companies.

In some ways this has made things more difficult for them as they have such high standards anything less than the best really does show up like a sore thumb. With there latest release I can say that they have reached those high standards again and perhaps even raised the stakes a little more!. The object of this praise?.

It is a bust by Alan Ball (who was kind enough to give a insight into the world of sculpting on this site), the subject matter being that of an American Civil War Union soldier of the Iron Brigade. The inspiration for this figure coming from Kreston Peckham who sent in details of the subject for Ian at I&E as a suggested choice. Alan took up the challenge and came up with an excellent end result for us all to enjoy. Well what do you get for the money?. Well three pieces, upper chest and head, backpack and hat. Does not sound a lot, but it is excellent quality.

The parts have been cast by Ian on the I&E production line. This gives him quality control over the product and he has become a very good caster of figures. I really like the way that the arms have not just been cut off flat but follow the line of the epaulettes. Nice touch and gives a excellent look to the figure. The fit of the hat and backpack is excellent. I am told this is due to the fact that the joints are compression joints.

This may mean something to the reader, all I know is that the fit is excellent!. I did do a small modification to the figure in that I "roughed" up the texture of the blanket using designers gouache. This is a very thick paint or thin paste that is applied neat from the tube and gives an excellent rough texture for the "home spun" look. Painting was very straightforward due to the excellent design of the bust. Alan Ball really has given the figure an American face, difficult to explain needs to be seen. The only change I might make to the figure is too put a pair of glasses on him, those small wire framed ones.

Just a thought for a different looking end product as you do not see many figures wearing glasses. If you are into the American Civil War one for you or if you like good quality figures and a competitive price one for you as well. Enjoy. Oh, by the way nearly forgot. Remember that I said at the start that the idea came from a fellow modeller. Well I&E are always open to suggestions as to their next release. Send in an idea and if it is picked you will get the completed figure sent to you for free as your reward. So get those ideas going.

Iron Brigade Sargeant